Have you ever thought that the package can act as a self-gift? Well here is a pretty upakuesh gift and the recipient then sorry, but you have to pick this package: (Part I had a watch and I decided to find out:) "Exit" made easy, as the model advocated matryoshka. The local seamstress full advantage of our beautiful tidy, well, I decided to keep:)
In general, look what I got, but under the cut will find a small description of how to do it:)

So, start with a template. Boll is not much I have ... about this in A4 format. The bottom of a specially made no oval, for further stability of boxes.

Cardboard cut out the pattern two figures and two long strips of cardboard 4cm wide (the width at the request of a cm for bonding)

Then measured 1 cm on the strip, bent and cut arbitrary triangles for further flexibility in the strip

On one blank retreated from the edge and 5mm, 6mm to another. It is easy then to a box opens and closes.

Then on the new contour pasted bilateral and scotch taped side stripes.

On top of this design pasted paper.
Here's how to box and everything is ready:) It only remains to arrange a beauty: drawing her face, browned cheeks, find the appropriate outfit, put a gift inside and you can be sure that the "package" is itself a gift and she was not kicked out and not vomit will be:)
And so she looks the part.

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